
Large fluctuations in the hydrogen-ionizing background and mean free path following the epoch of reionization

, and . (2015)cite arxiv:1509.07131Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS.


Extremely large opaque troughs in the Lyman-alpha forest have been interpreted as a sign of an extended reionization process below z~6. Such features are impossible to reproduce with simple models of the intergalactic ionizing background that assume a uniform mean free path of ionizing photons. We build a self-consistent model of the ionizing background that includes fluctuations in the mean free path due to the varying strength of the ionizing background and large-scale density field. The dominant effect is the suppression of the ionizing background in large-scale voids due to "self-shielding" by an enhanced number of optically thick absorbers. Our model results in a distribution of 50 Mpc/h Lyman-alpha forest effective optical depths that significantly improves agreement with the observations at z~5.6. Extrapolation to z~5.4 and z~5.8 appears promising, but matching the mean background evolution requires evolution in the absorber population beyond the scope of the present model. We also demonstrate the need for extremely large volumes (>400 Mpc on a side) to accurately determine the incidence of rare large-scale features in the Lyman-alpha forest.


[1509.07131] Large fluctuations in the hydrogen-ionizing background and mean free path following the epoch of reionization

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