
Youth representatives' opinions on recruiting and representing young workers: A twofold unsatisfied demand?

. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18 (3): 203--218 (August 2012)
DOI: 10.1177/0959680112452692


Unionization levels are far lower among young workers than for the workforce in general. How can trade unions become more responsive to their particular interests and needs? Union confederations, even in countries with decentralized union structures, have the potential to take effective initiatives to facilitate and support new organizing strategies targeted at young workers, for example by spreading knowledge, practical skills and vision of relevance for improving the representation and recruitment of young workers. Yet the survey findings reported here show that youth representatives across Europe find their confederations’ responsiveness and commitment to organizing to be inadequate. Their dissatisfaction confirms previous research findings concerning young workers and their unfulfilled desire for unionization.

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