
JWST observations confirm the existence of galaxies as early as 300Myr and at a higher number density than expected based on galaxy formation models and HST observations. Yet, sources confirmed spectroscopically in the first 500Myr have estimated stellar masses $<5\times10^8M_ødot$, limiting the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for investigating substructure. We present a high-resolution spectroscopic and spatially resolved study of a rare bright galaxy at $z=9.3127\pm0.0002$ with a stellar mass of $(2.5^+0.7_-0.5)\times10^9M_ødot$, forming $25^+3_-4M_ødot/yr$ and with a metallicity of $\sim0.1Z_ødot$- lower than in the local universe for the stellar mass but in line with expectations of chemical enrichment in galaxies 1-2Gyr after the Big Bang. The system has a morphology typically associated to two interacting galaxies, with a two-component main clump of very young stars (age$<10$Myr) surrounded by an extended stellar population ($130\pm20$Myr old, identified by modeling the NIRSpec spectrum) and an elongated clumpy tidal tail. The spectroscopic observations identify O, Ne and H emission lines, and the Lyman break, where there is evidence of substantial Ly$\alpha$ absorption. The OII doublet is resolved spectrally, enabling an estimate of the electron number density and ionization parameter of the interstellar medium and showing higher densities and ionization than in lower redshift analogs. For the first time at $z>8$, we identify evidence of absorption lines (Si, C and Fe), with low confidence individual detections but SNR$>6$ when stacked. The absorption features suggest that Ly$\alpha$ is damped by the interstellar and circumgalactic medium. Our observations provide evidence of rapid efficient build-up of mass and metals in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang through mergers, demonstrating that massive galaxies with several billion stars exist earlier than expected.


A massive interacting galaxy 525 million years after the Big Bang

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