
Keeping-Quality Assessment of Pasteurized Milk by Multivariate Analysis of Dynamic Headspace Gas Chromatographic Data. 2. Flavor Classification by Linear Discriminant Analysis.

, and .
J. Agric. Food Chem., (1994)


The flavor quality of pasteurized milk was classified by applying linear discriminant anal. (LDA) to volatiles as detd. by dynamic headspace capillary gas chromatog. (DH-GC). LDA was able to classify milk into good, marginal, and poor quality or into fruity, rancid, and normal flavor groups at a >80% success rate. The zone of good or normal flavor groups could be visualized in 2-dimensional canonical plots; thus, any sample deviating from this zone could be considered a defective product. In addn., LDA of gas chromatog. data allowed the assocn. of milk volatiles that contributed most significantly to the discrimination among flavor quality groups. Spoilage-assocd. volatiles were identified by using DH-GC-MS. The anal. system established has potential for application in the dairy industry for early detection of spoilage or for tracing defects assocd. with consumer complaints. on SciFinder (R)



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