
This paper deals with the stability of a two-dimensional laminar jet against the infinitesimal antisymmetric disturbance. The curve of the neutral stability in the (α, R)-plane (α, the wave-number; R, Reynolds number) is calculated using two different methods for the different parts of the curve; the solution is developed in powers of (αR)−1 for obtaining the upper branch of the curve and in powers of αR for the lower branch.The asymptotic behaviour of these branches is that for branch I,$2, \;\; c 23$ for $R ınfty$; and for branch II, $R 1\cdot12\alpha^-1|2,\; c 120 \alpha^2$ for α → 0. Some discussion is given on the validity of the basic assumption of the stability theory in relation to the numerical result obtained here.

Линки и ресурсы
