
Convergent multiplicative processes repelled from zero: power laws and truncated power laws

, and . (September 1996)


Random multiplicative processes \$w\_t =łambda\_1 łambda\_2 ... łambda\_t\$ (with < łambda\_j > 0 ) lead, in the presence of a boundary constraint, to a distribution \$P(w\_t)\$ in the form of a power law \$w\_t^-(1+\mu)\$. We provide a simple and physically intuitive derivation of this result based on a random walk analogy and show the following: 1) the result applies to the asymptotic (\$t ınfty\$) distribution of \$w\_t\$ and should be distinguished from the central limit theorem which is a statement on the asymptotic distribution of the reduced variable \$1 t(log w\_t -< log w\_t >)\$; 2) the necessary and sufficient conditions for \$P(w\_t)\$ to be a power law are that <log łambda\_j > < 0 (corresponding to a drift \$w\_t 0\$) and that \$w\_t\$ not be allowed to become too small. We discuss several models, previously unrelated, showing the common underlying mechanism for the generation of power laws by multiplicative processes: the variable \$w\_t\$ undergoes a random walk biased to the left but is bounded by a repulsive ''force''. We give an approximate treatment, which becomes exact for narrow or log-normal distributions of \$łambda\$, in terms of the Fokker-Planck equation. 3) For all these models, the exponent \$\mu\$ is shown exactly to be the solution of \$łambda^\mu = 1\$ and is therefore non-universal and depends on the distribution of \$łambda\$.

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