
Effect of Aqueous Seed Extract of Aframomum Melegueta on Insulin Concentration in Alloxan induced Diabetes in Male Wistar Rat



Aframomum Melegueta Grain of paradise is a perennial herbal plant that is cultivated for its valuable medicinal and pharmacological effects. The study aims to determine the effect of aqueous seeds extract of Aframomum Melegueta on insulin concentration in alloxan induced diabetes in male wistar rats. Twenty five 25 male wistar rats weighing 150g 170g were used in this study. The animals were acclimatized for a period of two 2 weeks, after which they were randomly divided into five 5 groups of five rats each. Group A served as negative control and received feed and water ad libitum, group B served as positive control and received alloxan monohydrate, group C received 120mg of alloxan monohydrate and was treated with 150mg of aqueous seed extract of Aframomum Melegueta, Group D received 120mg of alloxan monohydrate and was treated with 300mg of aqueous seed extract of Aframomum Melegueta and Group E received 120mg of alloxan monohydrate and was treated with 600mg of aqueous seed extract of Aframomum Melegueta. The Administration of the extract last for a period of 21 days and The administration was between the period of 6 am to 8 am every day. Data for blood glucose and insulin concentration, antioxidant activity SOD and CAT were analysed using SPSS version 25 using ANOVA followed by Post Hoc LSD comparison. Values were considered significant at p 0.05. The result showed significant p 0.05 increase in the blood glucose level in groups B, C, D, E compared to group A at Day 0. At day 7, 14, 21 the result showed significant p 0.05 decrease in the treated groups compared to diabetic control group. Insulin level had a significant p 0.05 increase in treated groups compared to diabetic control group. There is significant increase in superoxide dismutase and catalase level in diabetic treated groups when compared to diabetic control group. The study concluded that the aqueous seed extract of Aframomum melegueta can be of immense use in phytomedicine especially for the management of diabetes mellitus. Mmuogbo, J. C | Maduka, S. O. | Okonkwo, O. C. "Effect of Aqueous Seed Extract of Aframomum Melegueta on Insulin Concentration in Alloxan-induced Diabetes in Male Wistar Rat" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-2 , April 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/papers/ijtsrd55163.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/medicine/other/55163/effect-of-aqueous-seed-extract-of-aframomum-melegueta-on-insulin-concentration-in-alloxaninduced-diabetes-in-male-wistar-rat/mmuogbo-j-c

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