
Impact of Textile Wastewater on Water Quality



Textile wastewater has a high pH value, high concentration of suspended solids, chlorides, nitrates, metals like manganese, sodium, lead, copper, chromium, iron, and high BOD and COD value .The water also has a dark-brown color. The concentration of different contaminant species varies with source of wastewater. Different stages of operation contribute wastewater of various composition. The difference in composition is due to the variation in processes and to the type of fabric produced and machinery in use. The textile sector requires a high demand of water for its various sectors, and the discharge from these sectors causes environmental damage due to the species of contaminants it carries along with it. The most notable environmental impact is water consumption and wastewater discharge (115–175 kg of COD/ton of finished product, a wide range of organic chemicals, color, salinity, and low biodegradability) . The textile dyes significantly compromise the aesthetic quality of water bodies, increase biochemical and chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD), impair photosynthesis, inhibit plant growth, enter the food chain, provide recalcitrance and bioaccumulation, and may promote toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. In spite of this, the bioremediation of textile dyes, that is, the transformation or mineralization of these contaminants by the enzymatic action of plant, bacteria, extremophiles and fungi biomasses is fully possible. Another option is the adsorption.Despite some disadvantages, the bioremediation is essentially positive and can be progressively enhanced by modern biotechnological techniques that are related to the generation of more degrading and more resistant engineered organisms. This is a sustainable solution that provides a fundamental and innovative contribution to conventional physicochemical treatments. The resources of environmental biotechnology can, therefore, be used as tangible technological solutions for the treatment of textile dye effluents and are related to the ethical imperative of ensuring the minimum necessary for a quality life for the humankind.

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