
Finding Preferred Query Relaxations in Content-Based Recommenders

. Intelligent Techniques and Tools for Novel System Architectures, (2008)


In many content-based approaches to product recommendation, the set of suitable items is determined by mapping the customer’s needs to required product characteristics. A ‘failing query’ in that context corresponds to a situation in which none of theitems in the catalog fulfills all of the customer requirements and in which no proposal can be made. ‘Query relaxation’ isa common technique to recover from such situations which aims at determining those items that fulfill as many of the constraintsas possible. This chapter proposes two new algorithms for query relaxation, which aim at resolving common shortcomings ofprevious approaches. The first algorithm addresses the problem of response times for computing user-optimal relaxations ininteractive recommendation sessions. The proposed algorithm is based on a combination of different techniques like partialevaluation of subqueries, precomputation of query results and compact in-memory data structures. The second algorithm is animprovement of previous approaches to mixed-initiative failure recovery: Instead of computing all minimal ‘conflicts’ withinthe user requirements in advance – as suggested in previous algorithms – we propose to determine preferred conflicts ‘on demand’ and use a recent, general-purpose and fast conflict detection algorithm for this task.1 ER -


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