
Efficacy of Educomp Smart Class

. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (4): 1884--1894 (April 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150430


Explosion of knowledge is opening new branches of knowledge. Nowadays we have entered into wisdom society from knowledge society. ICT has changed the all aspects of human being. Way of living is being changed and thus role of society as well as school is also is shifting from conventional class room to ICT oriented smart classroom further more to virtual classroom. Innovative apparatus, devices are mushrooming, hence being a teacher we cannot live isolated. If we do not make ourselves ICT- friendly we cannot perform our duty accordingly. Smart class is today’s demand; it does not completely do away with the traditional method of teaching. Rather it seeks to club the use of technology with conventional methods of teaching. The consequential merchandise is a harmonious blend of the modern and the traditional. For instance, the teacher while teaching a lesson on tsunami will supplement the information given in books by showing a video of how a tsunami erupts. All of us know that if we teach by doing or playing and with audio visual aid, learning occurs perfectively.

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