
Distributed Photovoltaics in the Swedish Energy System. Model Development and Simulations.

. Uppsala University, (2009)


Application of photovoltaics (PV) is increasing worldwide, mainly due to extensive subsidy schemes for introducing CO2 -free power generation. A majority of newly installed systems are distributed small-scale systems located in distribution grids, often at residential customers. Recent developments suggest that such distributed PV generation (PV-DG) could gain more interest in Sweden in the near future. With prospects of decreasing module prices, an extensive integration could be possible. This licentiate thesis presents the first part of a PhD project with the aim to determine the potential for domestic PV-DG in Sweden. Two aspects are treated in detail in the thesis: (1) the ability of PV to match a local domestic power demand and (2) impacts of extensive integration of PV-DG on power flow in low-voltage (LV) distribution grids. To make realistic studies for high-latitude conditions, there is a need for representative demand and PV generation data. As there is a lack of detailed domestic load data in Sweden, a major part of the work has been devoted to development of a stochastic load model. Interdisciplinary studies of household activities were performed to get insight into how do- mestic electricity use is embedded in the structure of everyday life. It was found that time-use (TU) data, normally used in the social sciences, can be used to model domestic power demand. Both a conversion model for estimating power demand from empirical TU data and a stochastic Markov-chain model for generating synthetic activity patterns and power demand were devel- oped and extensively validated against measurements. Importantly, a realistic model of domestic lighting demand from occupancy patterns and irradiation data was developed, that preserves the negative correlation between irradiation and lighting demand. The models provide a basis for load matching studies and power-flow simulations, but can be used for other purposes as well. Case studies of individual households showed that the appearance of daily load profiles, and thus the degree of matching to PV generation, are highly variable. Studies of matching of PV generation to aggregate domestic demand showed that load matching at moderate overproduc- tion levels can be improved by PV panel orientation, demand side management (DSM) and storage. At high overproduction levels, however, the only impacting option is storage. Probabilistic power-flow simulations with the developed models yield a versatile picture of how impacts are distributed among customers and over time, as compared to often-used static simulations. Contrary to the trend towards higher time resolution in international research, hourly resolution was found to be sufficient for determining probability distributions for LV grid voltages. Power-flow simulations of three Swedish LV grids showed that a penetration level of 1 kWp PV systems at every customer was most beneficial in terms of on-site coverage of demand, counteracted voltage drops and decreased network losses. However, much higher penetration levels, up to the highest studied level of 5 kWp per household, can be handled without voltage rise above prescribed limits.

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