
Development and application of a high-resolving atmosphere-microphysics-chemistry model for prediction of aerosol characteristics in the vicinity of sources

. University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, (2009)


This work describes the development and first results of a new high-resolution microphysics-chemistry-transport model (LES-AOP). The les-aop model was developed to simulate the aerosol optical properties during the plus1 measurementcampaign, which was performed in the vicinity of a livestock farm in northern Germany. The model is an extension of a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model, where a simple aerosol module was developed to calculate the aerosol optical properties. Only a limited number of aerosol processes is included due to the high computational demand. The project in which the model was developed aimed to combine high-resolutionmodel results with 3-d lidar measurements performed by the University of Hohenheim. This combination would allow an insight view of the aerosol characteristicson high spatial and temporal scales, even at low aerosol concentrations (e.g. faintsources). One of the major model achievements is the prediction of the aerosoloptical properties (with resolutions below 100 m and 1 min) upon initialisation by meteorological and aerosol data. In addition, the model is able to positively detect faint aerosol plumes (with aerosol backscattering coefficient down to $10^−6/(sr m)$) and discard false positives identified by the lidar. Furthermore, it is possible from the model results and ground measurements to estimate budget-related quantities, such as the emission flux and mass change of the particulate matter.

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