
The need of coin currency change has been increased with the present scenario. It has become more difficult for the common man to fight against the increasing rates of daily requirements rounding off to the nearest values in the multiple of 10’s. Rather coins are used more instead of note in various places like bus station, railway station, malls, parks, even in rural areas where nowadays also coin telephone system is used. For these many application places coins are used extremely, so we thought to develop an exchanger machine which will give us coins instead of notes. As there are lots of techniques to detect the Indian currency note, the most preferable technique along all these is color based recognition. It is constructed by counting the number of pixels of each color. The result is given to the controller which will manipulate the coin container through relays and motors, the user simply press the keypad for which type of change he wants whether one rupee coins, two rupee or five rupee or mixed and hence in the output we get coins as user requirement.

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