
Pranav Sadhana and Dhyana in Pregnancy



Pranayama is a broad practice that combines physical positioning, breathing exercises, focus, and meditation. The ability to develop harmony between the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions makes it so well known.Chanting is a common practice that may be seen in almost all major global religions.Numerous disorders are treated with yoga and pranayama. Pranayama has been used for centuries to relax the bodys autonomic nervous system and lessen stress.Sacred sounds like OM, the Gayatri Mantra, etc., have been important for maintaining mental and physical health since ancient times. It is scientifically proven based on the literature currently accessible. However, more research is required to demonstrate the impact of sacred sounds, particularly OM, on our vital organs like the heart and general well being, particularly during pregnancy.There are many diseases, disorders, and complications in the modern world, but some complications are more prevalent, and almost every human in the modern world experiences them. These complications are stress and depression, and while many medications claim to treat them, doing so only temporarily and with some side effects, OM AUM chanting is a traditional practice that has positive effects beyond just reducing stress and depression.The current study sought to determine whether practicing PRANAV AUM throughout the third trimester or antenatal period can lessen dyspnea, insomnia, and anxiety symptoms. These pregnancy problems can have a big impact on how well both the mother and the baby do. Pranav helps various associated ailments by having a relaxing impact on the neurological system. Sound AUM affects the neural system, which gives people under stress an energy boost. It improves mental clarity, self awareness, ability to interact with the outside world, willingness to serve others, and openness to positive thoughts.Regular OM chanting has been proven useful in curing several ailments, such as thyroid issues, depression, anxiety, and stress.The goal of the study is to increase well being by removing various disorders.It has been discovered that regularly repeating the AUM mantra restores the bodys equilibrium on all levels””physical, mental, and emotional. Dr. Shobha Nadagouda | Dr. Yatish Patil | Dr. Sharmila Sagare | Dr. Saraswati C. "Pranav Sadhana and Dhyana in Pregnancy" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-1 , February 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52639.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/other/52639/pranav-sadhana-and-dhyana-in-pregnancy/dr-shobha-nadagouda

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