
Convergence of internet services in the cultural heritage sector - the long way to common vocabularies, metadata formats, ontologies. Beitrag zur CIDOC-Jahrestagung im September 2006 in Göteborg "Wider perspective - Broader base"

, , and . http://opus.bsz-bw.de/swop/volltexte/2008/277/, (2008)Convergence of internet services in the cultural heritage sector – the long way to common vocabularies, metadata formats, ontologies. Beitrag von Jörn Sieglerschmidt, Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, Konstanz und Frank von Hagel, Institut für Museumskunde, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz zur CIDOC-Jahrestagung im September 2006 in Göteborg "Wider perspective - Broader base" Summary: Since several years it has been observed that information offered by different know-ledge producing institutions on the internet is more and more interlinked. This tendency will increase, because the fragmented information offers on the internet make the retrieval of information difficult or even impossible. At the same time the quantity of information offered on the internet grows exponentially in Europe – and elsewhere - due to many digitization projects. Inasfar as funding institutions base the acceptance of projects on the observation of certain documentation standards the knowledge created will be retrievable and will remain so for a long time. Otherwise the retrieval of infor-mation will become a matter of chance due to the limits of fragmented, knowledge pro-ducing social groups. URN: Die NBN mit Prüfziffer lautet: urn:nbn:de:bsz:576-opus-2770.

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