
SIGAME simulations of the CII, OI and OIII line emission from star forming galaxies at z ~ 6

, , , , , , and . (2017)cite arxiv:1708.04936Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal.


Of the almost 40 star forming galaxies at z>~5 (not counting QSOs) observed in CII to date, nearly half are either very faint in CII, or not detected at all, and fall well below expectations based on locally derived relations between star formation rate (SFR) and CII luminosity. Combining cosmological zoom simulations of galaxies with SIGAME (SImulator of GAlaxy Millimeter/submillimeter Emission) we have modeled the multi-phased interstellar medium (ISM) and its emission in CII, OI and OIII, from 30 main sequence galaxies at z~6 with star formation rates ~3-23Msun/yr, stellar masses ~(0.7-8)x10^9Msun, and metallicities ~(0.1-0.4)xZsun. The simulations are able to reproduce the aforementioned CII-faintness at z>5, match two of the three existing z>~5 detections of OIII, and are furthermore roughly consistent with the OI and OIII luminosity relations with SFR observed for local starburst galaxies. We find that the CII emission is dominated by the diffuse ionized gas phase and molecular clouds, which on average contribute ~66% and ~27%, respectively. The molecular gas, which constitutes only ~10% of the total gas mass is thus a more efficient emitter of CII than the ionized gas making up ~85% of the total gas mass. A principal component analysis shows that the CII luminosity correlates with the star formation activity as well as average metallicity. The low metallicities of our simulations together with their low molecular gas mass fractions can account for their CII-faintness, and we suggest these factors may also be responsible for the CII-faint normal galaxies observed at these early epochs.


[1708.04936] SIGAME simulations of the [CII], [OI] and [OIII] line emission from star forming galaxies at z ~ 6

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