
Background: Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) is a dose-limiting toxicity of many anticancer drugs, including taxanes, vinca alkaloids and platinating agents. There are no effective means to predict which patients are at risk for CIPN nor are there effective treatments. Therefore, we have used a whole genome approach in lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) alone or combined with clinical study data to identify target genes associated with CIPN that we tested further in Neuroscreen-1 (NS-1: rat pheochromocytoma) cells and human neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iCell neurons). Methods: For selecting candidate target genes, we compared published genome-wide association studies (GWAS) results of sensory peripheral neuropathy in cancer patients receiving paclitaxel with GWAS results of pharmacologic phenotypes in LCLs after paclitaxel treatment. We evaluated neurotoxic drug-induced cell growth inhibition using Cell Titer Glo and neurite parameters of outgrowth, processes and branching through imaging following transient knockdown of target genes in NS-1 cells and iCell neurons. Results: After treatment of paclitaxel, vincristine and cisplatin, iCell neurons showed decrease of neurite outgrowth, processes and branching. Whereas, these parameters did not decrease for hydroxyurea, which is not reported to induce neuropathy. Through transient knockdown in NS-1 cells of RFX2, a gene identified through clinical and preclinical studies to be associated with paclitaxel-induced neuropathy, sensitivity to paclitaxel increased as measured by a decrease of neurite outgrowth. Conclusions: These findings imply our model system could identify pharmacogenetic target genes associated with CIPN. These genes have potential for biomarkers or therapeutic targets and enable future personalized treatments for cancer patients at risk for CIPN.

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