
A complete data cube is a data cube in which every aggregate value in the multidimensional space is stored or can be computed. An incomplete data cube is a data cube in which points in the multidimensional space are missing and cannot be computed. This paper describes an incomplete data cube design. An incomplete data cube is modeled as a federation of cubettes. A cubette is a complete subcube within the incomplete data cube. The incomplete cube is built piecemeal by giving a concise, high-level specification of each cubette. An efficient algorithm to retrieve an aggregate value from the incomplete data cube is described. When a value cannot be retrieved because it is missing, alternatives at a lower precision that can be retrieved are identified. When a value can be partially com- Ruted (i.e., some of the values lower in the hierarchy are missing, but some are present) a measure of the completeness of the result is supplied along with the partially aggregated value. The design also includes an algorithm that removes redundant cubettes and an algorithm to increase the retrieval power of the federation through the creation of virtual cubettes.

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  • @lillejul
  • @pirot
  • @dblp
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