
Development and experimental evaluation of a high-temperature mechanism for blended n-heptane-isooctane–ethanol-air mixtures and gasoline-ethanol-air-mixtures

, , , , and . 4th IASME/WSEAS international conference on energy, environment, ecosystems and sustainable development, Wisconsin, USA, 1-2, page 78-83. (2008)


Laminar burning velocity measurements using the closed vessel bomb method have been done for fuel-blend-air-mixtures at 373 K initial temperature and up to 20 bar initial pressure. The two experimentally investigated fuel blends consist, on the one hand, of 78.3 % vol. iso-octane, 11.7 % vol. n-heptane, and 10 % vol. ethanol, and on the other hand of 90 % vol. standard gasoline and 10 % vol. ethanol. A detailed high-temperature chemical kinetic model has been developed with the focus on calculating laminar burning velocities of these mixtures. The reduced high- temperature mechanism developed by Jerzembeck et al. 1 for PRFs (Primary Reference Fuels consisting of iso-octane and n-heptane) is the basis for the present work. The dominant reactions of ethanol were added to this mechanism. These reactions were taken from the mechanism of Marinov et al. 2. Laminar burning velocities calculated with the newly developed mechanism are in good agreement with the experimental results for low and high pressure mixtures, as well as for single fuel and blended fuel air mixtures.

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