
This study examined the impacts of using ICT devices in education and for teaching and learning the English language. It is vital to mention that the article is devoted to highlight the effects of utilizing ICT tools to improve learners' English skills. ICT as a new tool can change both teachers' and learners' roles in the classroom as some ages ago teachers were in the center of teaching and learning process, had a great role in education, he was a knowledge provider, a director and a controller all aspects of learning, however the use of ICT in education brings some changes in teacher roles. Munavvar Bahodirovna Fayzullayeva "ICTS are New Tools for Learning and Teaching English" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , October 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd47624.pdf Paper URL : https://www.ijtsrd.com/other-scientific-research-area/other/47624/icts-are-new-tools-for-learning-and-teaching-english/munavvar-bahodirovna-fayzullayeva

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