
Automatic Skin Cancer Images Classification

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2013)


Early detection of skin cancer has the potential to reduce mortality and morbidity. This paper presents two hybrid techniques for the classification of the skin images to predict it if exists. The proposed hybrid techniques consists of three stages, namely, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and classification. In the first stage, we have obtained the features related with images using discrete wavelet transformation. In the second stage, the features of skin images have been reduced using principle component analysis to the more essential features. In the classification stage, two classifiers based on supervised machine learning have been developed. The first classifier based on feed forward back-propagation artificial neural network and the second classifier based on k-nearest neighbor. The classifiers have been used to classify subjects as normal or abnormal skin cancer images. A classification with a success of 95\% and 97.5\% has been obtained by the two proposed classifiers and respectively. This result shows that the proposed hybrid techniques are robust and effective.

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