
Hierarchical Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

, and . Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology,, 9 (1): 9 (July 2013)


Wireless sensor network promises ubiquitous data collection and processing for variety of commercial, healthcare and military applications. P ractical realization of WSN applications is possible only after assuring network security. Cryptographic key distribution is an important phase in network security which establishes initial trust in the network. Secu rity p rotocol implementation in WSN is limited by resou rce con stra in ed na tu re of sen sor nod es. Th e key distribution algorithm satisfying security requirements of given WSN application should be implemented with minimum communication and memory overhead. As a solution to this problem, hierarchical key management technique is proposed in this paper. Symmetric key pre-distribution technique with less computational overhead and ID-based asymmetric key (IB K) d istribu tion tech niqu e with less commun ication overhea d are app lied simultan eously in the network at different levels. Resilience strength and resource overhead of the proposed scheme is compared with both symmetric and asymmetric techniques

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