
Adopt & adapt: structuring, sharing and reusing asynchronous collaborative pedagogy

, , and . ICLS '06: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Learning sciences, page 599--605. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2006)


This paper presents a new approach for creating and conducting structured asynchronous collaborative activities and incorporating them in the existing instructional setting for all subjects and levels. CeLS is a web-based system designed to create and reuse Activity Structures; runable formats reflecting various collaborative instructional strategies e.g., creating and analyzing a common database, reaching an agreement, peer-product evaluation, contest, creating a group product. The unique feature in CeLS's design is its ability to use learners' products from previous stages and to conduct complex, multi-stage, structured activities. CeLS provides a sample of content-free Activity Structures and a searchable domain of all the activities that were implemented with students. Teachers can explore these examples, adopt them for personal use and adapt their structure and content to suit their specific needs. If none of the existing pre-designed resources seems to suit the needs, they can create new structures using basic building blocks.


Adopt & adapt

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  • @benediktroth
  • @dblp
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