
Mining frequent item-sets is one of the most important concepts in data mining. It is a fundamental and initial task of data mining. Apriori3 is the most popular and frequently used algorithm for finding frequent item-sets. There are other algorithms viz, Eclat4, FP-growth5 which are used to find out frequent item-sets. In order to improve the time efficiency of Apriori algorithms, Jiemin Zheng introduced Bit-Apriori1 algorithm with the following corrections with respect to Apriori3 algorithm. 1) Support count is implemented by performing bitwise “And” operation on binary strings 2) Special equal-support pruning In this paper, to improve the time efficiency of Bit-Apriori1 algorithm, a novel algorithm that deletes infrequent items during trie2 and subsequent tire’s are proposed and demonstrated with an example.

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