
Semantic wikis establish the role of wikis as integrators of structured and semi-structured data. In this paper, we present Wikked, which is a semantic wiki turned inside out: it is a wiki engine that is embedded in the generic RDF editor Hyena. That is, Hyena edits (structured) RDF and leaves it to Wikked to display (semi-structured) wiki pages stored in RDF nodes. Wiki text has a clearly defined core syntax, while traditional wiki syntax is regarded as syntactic sugar. It is thus easy to convert Wikked pages to various output formats such as HTML and LaTeX. Wikked's built-in functions for presenting RDF data and for invoking Hyena functionality endow it with the ability to define simple custom user interfaces to RDF data.

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  • @lysander07
  • @dblp
  • @xamde
  • @woidda
@woiddas Tags hervorgehoben