
An epileptic syndrome in infantile cerebral palsy

. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova, 97 (1): 8--12 (1997)


The results of examination of 102 patients with infantile cerebral paralysis (ICP) with epileptic syndrome (ES) at the age from 3 months to 14 years are presented. Epileptic fits predominated in patients with hemiparetic form of ICP (40.8\%) and spastic diplegia (32.4\%). ES manifestations were observed in ICP during the first 3 years of life (more than 80\% of cases). The peculiarities of ES clinical course were revealed. There were determined the main types of seizures in patients with ICP which depended on age of their manifestation, as well as their further transformation and prognosis. Computer tomographic and EEG-correlations were established in different forms of ICP. They permitted to revealed pathogenetic mechanisms of ES development in patients with ICP and to determine therapeutic policy and prognosis of the disease.

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