
Exploiting the TCP Simultaneous Connection to Provide a Low Cost DoS Mitigation Solution

. volume 6 of 2, 1133 Broadway,Suite 706,New York,NY10010,USA, Institute of Doctors Engineers and scientist(IDES), The Association of Copmuter Electronics and Electrical Engineers, (November 2011)


Over the past decade, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have become a growing menace in the internet community. SYN flooding by spoofing IP addresses is the most common way of achieving this denial of service. Attackers attempt to exhaust a server’s resources by filling up its backlog queue and forcing it to drop legitimate connection requests. By far, the SYN cookie and SYN cache mechanisms have proved most efficient in countering SYN floods that lead to denial of service. However, the cost involved in computing cookies and allocating resources in the TCP backlog queue is considerably high. We propose a novel scheme that drastically reduces the cost of DoS mitigation by applying the concept of simultaneous handshake, modifying the implementation of the TCP backlog queue in parallel. The need for SYN cookies has been completely eliminated. Also, various drawbacks of SYN cookies have been addressed by this scheme. Through experiments, it has been found that the cost of this solution is above six times lesser than the cost of the standard scheme. Various Linux operating systems and Windows XP have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this scheme in reducing the cost of mitigation.

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