
Column leachability test for understanding the persistence of four commonly used pesticides for cotton crop in Vidarbha, Maharshtra, India

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (4): 2431-2436 (Juni 2018)


Leaching, which can be defined as the movement of any liquid vertically into the deeper soil layers. It is an important phenomenon as it is one of the important influencing factors for groundwater contamination. The objective of present study is to evaluate the potential leaching and persistence of four pesticides viz. confidor, profex super, ulala and missile for agricultural soils in Vidharbha region of Maharashtra. Soil samples collected from the field location were tested on LCMS for pesticide residues. Leaching study was carried out using disturbed soil columns of 30 cm length and 10 cm diameter. Persistence studies were carried out for 60 days duration under laboratory conditions. Leach ate was collected from 4 soil columns artificially contaminated with fixed intensity of pesticides and are tested for nitrogen and chloride content to understand persistence of pesticides in soil. Ravindra Khadse | Mrs. V. U. Khanapure"Column leachability test for understanding the persistence of four commonly used pesticides for cotton crop in Vidarbha, Maharshtra, India" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd14578.pdf http://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/environmental-engineering/14578/column-leachability-test-for-understanding-the-persistence-of-four-commonly-used-pesticides-for-cotton-crop-in-vidarbha-maharshtra-india/ravindra-khadse

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