
The tomography of the polarized Sunyaev-Zeldvich effect due to free electrons of galaxy clusters can be used to constrain the nature of dark energy because CMB quadrupoles at different redshifts as the polarization source are sensitive to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. Here we show that the low multipoles of the temperature and E-mode polarization anisotropies from the all-sky CMB can improve the constraint further through the correlation between them and the CMB quadrupoles viewed from the galaxy clusters. Using a Monte-Carlo simulation, we find that low multipoles of the temperature and E-mode polarization anisotropies potentially improve the constraint on the equation of state of dark energy parameter by $17$ percent.


Validating dark energy models using polarised Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with large-angle CMB temperature and E-mode polarization anisotropies

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