
Basic reconfiguration options in multi-layer robust telecommunication networks — design and performance issues

, and . Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet EraProceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress - ITC-I7, volume 4 of Teletraffic Science and Engineering, Elsevier, (2001)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1388-3437(01)80128-1


The paper formulates a set of fundamental optimisation problems for designing multi-layer telecommunication networks robust to failures and/or to predicted changes in demand patterns. The considered problems correspond to basic flow restoration options associated with reconfiguration capabilities of individual network resources' layers. It is shown in detail how the Benders' Decomposition technique can be applied for solving the problems, yielding an effective means for evaluating the cost of different restoration options in large B-ISDN, ATM, IP, \SDH\ networks. Effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by means of a numerical study.

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