
Affine BPS algebras, W algebras, and the cohomological Hall algebra of $A^2$

. (2022)cite arxiv:2209.05971Comment: Prepared for the festschrift honouring the 60th birthday of Ezra Getzler. Comments welcome!.


In this paper we introduce affinizations and deformations of the BPS Lie algebra associated to a tripled quiver with potential, and use them to precisely determine the $T$-equivariant cohomological Hall algebra $H_A^2^T$ of compactly supported coherent sheaves on $A^2$, acted on by a torus $T$. In particular we show that this algebra is spherically generated for all $T$.


Affine BPS algebras, W algebras, and the cohomological Hall algebra of $\mathbb{A}^2$

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