
Situation Awareness: Review of Mica Endsley's 1995 Articles on Situation Awareness Theory and Measurement

. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, (June 2008)
DOI: doi:10.1518/001872008X288420


Objective: This article summarizes two articles by Endsley on situation awareness (SA) and presents the influence of the concept on subsequent practice and theory of human factors. Background: In her articles, Endsley integrated and consolidated existing research done in the prior decade. Method: I carefully examined and integrated subsequent articles on the SA topic written by Endsley and by others. Results: This integration revealed that SA has been applied to areas of training, error analysis, design, selection, teamwork, and automation. Some key issues related to automation and SA are reviewed in detail. Conclusion: Situation awareness is a viable and important construct that still possesses some controversy over measurement issues. Application: Ways in which human factors practitioners have used the SA construct and numerous citations are provided to assist designers.


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