
To study the evolution of epilepsy associated with infantile hemiparesis (IH) in relation to age and identification of factors predictive of pharmacoresistance. Thirty-four children with epilepsy and associated IH were followed for a period of 13 years and 3 months (range 5-19 years). All the patients underwent clinical evaluation and EEG, CT and/or MRI. Disease course was evaluated from the time of diagnosis of epilepsy to end of follow-up by differentiating the cases with severe pharmacoresistance from those with favourable outcome. Several possible prognostic factors were identified predicting evolution toward intractable epilepsy. Univariate statistical analysis by calculating odds ratio (OR) with 95\% confidence interval (CI) and multivariate analysis by logistic regression were performed. Eleven cases presented severe epilepsy evolving toward pharmacoresistance; duration of epilepsy was always longer than 8 years. Twenty-three cases (seven with severe epilepsy and 16 with mild epilepsy) evolved toward remission; in these patients epilepsy duration was shorter (2-7 years) and a complete remission was obtained within 12 years of age. Significant prognostic factors associated with pharmacoresistance included: non-vascular causes, cortical lesions, mixed and frequent seizures during the first two years of epilepsy. Our results show that surgical treatment could be considered in cases with unfavourable prognostis factors.

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