
``New libraries in old buildings: Creative reuse''. Book review

. IFLA ENSULIB Newsletter, 1 (1): 21-22 (2021)Book review; Library buildings; Old buildings; Reuse; Sustainability.


With programs and spaces that build local resiliency through connections between neighbors, and borrowing services that facilitate communities sharing finite resources to create social equity while limiting resource consumption and financial costs, libraries are a key part of a sustainable future on our planet. The value of the library to the people it serves justifies the economic and ecological costs of creating and updating library spaces, but in IFLA's latest publication, New Libraries in Old Buildings: Creative Reuse, editors Petra Hauke, Karen Latimer, and Robert Niess gather nineteen case studies from public and academic library buildings all over the world to challenge the idea that great library spaces can't be created in existing buildings, and demonstrate that adaptation of old buildings can provide benefits which can't be realized in new construction.

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