
1. The production and use of biofuels must not be undertaken at the expense of the environment and society of the EU or any other part of the world. 2. JNCC recognises the positive contribution biofuels could potentially make to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring energy security and supporting rural development. However, we are concerned that without appropriate safeguards, the rapidly growing biofuel industry and trade – incentivised by the European Union’s biofuels target – will add another significant pressure to the environment with damaging consequences for biodiversity, both within the UK and globally. 3. JNCC therefore believes that any biofuel policy should as a minimum: i. sit within a policy context that improves energy efficiency and reduces total energy and transport fuel demand; ii. deliver reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 50% compared to conventional fuels, based on a whole life-cycle carbon assessment; iii. fully assess both the negative and positive environmental impacts of all aspects of biofuel production and use; iv. be consistent with the existing environmental policy framework, and in particular should not compromise the EU and global commitments to address biodiversity loss by 2010, and where possible should provide biodiversity and wider environmental benefits; and v. consider the impacts of biofuel production on ecosystem services, and ensure that production is consistent with the long-term sustainable use of natural resources and does not exacerbate poverty. 4. Since the biofuel industry is developing so rapidly, and is moving ahead of the regulatory framework and the ability to assess environmental impacts, it is essential that decision-making is based on the Precautionary Approach.1 5. International sustainability criteria must be developed which encourage sustainably produced biofuels, whilst deterring environmentally unsustainable production. Such criteria should be developed ideally at a global level and applied to all biofuel production and trade. 6. JNCC supports the UK Government’s and the EU’s efforts to develop sustainability mechanisms and criteria for biofuel production,2 building on existing initiatives for palm oil, soya and sugarcane.3 7. The development of second-generation biofuel technology should be further encouraged.There must be sufficient research investment to enable a rapid move away from feedstocks based on food crops to a broader feedstock base, which is environmentally more sustainable and ensures greater reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.


6-page position statement of the The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

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