
Review of Mobile tower radiation effects on Human and Mitigation techniques

. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (2): 622--625 (February 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150241


All over the world there has been rapid increase in the mobile phone users . mobile phones are popular as they permit people to make and maintain constant and continuous communication without affecting their liberty of lifestyle . As usage of mobile phone is increasing, demand for seamless service is also gets increase and it puts pressure on the service provider . for fulfilling this demand supporting infrastructure is required .To strengthen infrastructure , service provider requires to install more mobile phone tower . Enormous installation of the mobile phone tower throughout the world raised the health concern of high electromagnetic radiation in the area near to these towers. This brings forward the need to revise the radiation level, their impact on the public health and mitigation techniques for radiations

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