
Gli studi patristici in Italia (1900-1914)

Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, (2011)
DOI: 10.1515/ZAC.2011.009


The aim of the research is to present the main studies and the personalities of the most important scholars in the field of patristic studies in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. In Rome, remembering Pio Franchi de' Cavalieri and Giovanni Mercarti is necessary: they wrote many contributions of hagiographic and paleographic nature. In Turin, there were Paolo Ubaldi and Sisto Colombo, both Salesians: the first one, in particular, can be considered the founder of the early Christian literature studies in Italy. In the same period we have to consider Camillo Cessi, Francesco Di Capua and, regarding the historical-religious studies, Ernesto Buonaiuti. At the end of the research there is a further specimen of the patristic contributions published in the main journals in the considered period. On the whole it is possible to note the increasing awareness of the Italian scholars in considering early Christian authors as worthy of specific studies, but, except for Didaskaleion, there are no unanimous enterprises which started great projects there are as in other countries.


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