
The 2003 energy white paper Our Energy Future - Creating a Low Carbon Economy sets out the government’s vision for delivery of future energy delivery, efficiency and reliability and to deliver a cut in carbon dioxide emissions by some 60 per cent by 2050. Amongst other things, the energy white paper highlights a number of aspects of local government functions that need to be employed to deliver sustainable energy futures. It notes that local authorities and other local bodies, regional chambers and Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) make decisions that are vital for energy policy where these include planning, regeneration and development, procurement, housing, transport and sustainable development. It highlights a number of requirements including the need to rely on local authorities and regional bodies to help to deliver change on the ground while reflecting the needs of their different communities; a need for the government to work with local authorities and their building inspectors to identify cost-effective improvements to address design versus built performance. Importantly, the energy white paper also identified the need to adjust the planning system so that it is more helpful to investment in infrastructure and new electricity generation (particularly renewables), where this has subsequently taken the form of Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy (2004).

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