
Automatic Analysis Assistant for Studies ofComputer-Supported Human Interactions

, and . Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, Proceedings of the EC-TEL 2009, volume 5794 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, (October 2009)


This paper presents a system architecture to bridge the gap between the users computing activity in collaborative platforms and the analysis of this activity which is carried out by researchers in human and social sciences. This research work tends to highlight the capacity of a computer-supported observation station, based on a theoretical model called TBS (Trace-Based System), to assist researchers AUTOMATICALLY in their activity of analysis using a high abstraction level. We present the modules of a prototype of an observation station called CARTE (Collection, activity Analysis and Regulation based on Traces Enriched) which enable the interoperability between the collaborative platforms, where the users produce raw traces and the analysis environments, where the researchers study traces of a very high abstraction level.

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