
Development of Hybrid Fibrous Panel for Controlling Acoustics in Home Theatre Conference Hall

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (6): 1375-1384 (октября 2018)


Human ear will acknowledge as sound when frequency is in the range of 20 to 20000 Hz and more sensitive in the range of 500 - 4000 Hz. Heat and sound insulation panels are generally composed of nonwoven porous synthetic materials such as rock wool, glass wool, polyurethane, polyester and etc. Though these materials have excellent acoustic properties at high frequencies, their structural properties are not enough to defend against low frequency noise. Multi-purpose concert halls face a dilemma and they host classical music concerts, rock concerts and spoken word performances in a matter of a short period. These different performance types require significantly different acoustic conditions in order to provide the best sound quality to both the performers and the audience. Micro perforated panel absorber backed by air gap is also used in auditoriums and effective only in absorbing specified range of frequencies low frequency . Hence, it is clear that one type of acoustical absorbers is unable to attenuate wide spectrum of frequency noise. Increased usage of synthetic sound absorption materials leads to higher CO2 emission and other environmental issues. Therefore, many researches turned towards the production of insulating materials by using natural and bio based materials. Natural materials are becoming a valid alternative to synthetic materials and composite panel is proposed with coir fibre alone which is organic in nature, have excellent insulation against thermal and sound and more resistant to fungi rot. The present work has been focused on the sound absorption performance nonwoven porous coir matt mounted with and with-out air gap, perforated panel faced porous coir matt with and with-out air gap and perforated panel mounted with air gap. A. Muralikrishnan "Development of Hybrid Fibrous Panel for Controlling Acoustics in Home Theatre /Conference Hall" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd18855.pdf

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