
The concept of the crime of health care workers neglegence in the performance of their professional duties

. International Journal on Integrated Education, 3 (11): 16-18 (2020)


This article describes the concept of the crime of negligence of health care workers, its symptoms. The article also analyzes the views and opinions of scientists. Sadikova Yorkinoy Salijonovna 2020. The concept of the crime of health care workers neglegence in the performance of their professional duties. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Nov. 2020), 16-18. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31149/ijie.v3i11.816. Pdf Url : https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE/article/view/816/782 Paper Url : https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE/article/view/816

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