
The Lyman-alpha reference sample (LARS) is a program with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) that provides a sample of local universe laboratory galaxies in which to study the astrophysics of the visibility and strength of the Lyman-alpha (Lya) line of hydrogen. This article presents an overview of the survey, its selection function and HST imaging observations. The sample was selected from the GALEX+SDSS catalogue at z=0.028-0.19, in order to allow Lya to be captured with combinations of long pass filters in the Solar Blind Channel (SBC) of HST/ACS. In addition, LARS utilises Halpha and Hbeta narrow, and U, B, i broad-band imaging with ACS and WFC3. In order to study galaxies in which large numbers of Lya photons are produced we demanded an Halpha equivalent width > 100\AA. The sample of 14 galaxies covers far UV (FUV) luminosities that overlaps with those of high-z Lya emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We present the reduction steps used to obtain the Lya images, including our LARS eXtraction software (LaXs) which utilises pixel-by-pixel spectral synthesis fitting to subtract the continuum at Lya. We demonstrate that the use of SBC long pass filters dramatically increase the signal to noise compared to the nominal Lya filter in SBC. To exemplify, we present results for Mrk 259. This irregular galaxy shows extended but strongly asymmetric Lya emission. Spectroscopy from HST/COS show a moderate outflow in the neutral ISM and an asymmetric Lya profile. Radiative transfer modeling is able to reproduce the Lya line profile, confirming the presence of an outflow. The integrated photometry provides a Lya luminosity of 1.3E42 erg/s an equivalent width W(Lya) =45\AA and a FUV absolute magnitude -19.2. Mrk 259 would hence be detectable in high-z Lya and LBG surveys. The total Lya escape fraction is 12%, similar to that observed at z>4. (shortened)


[1409.8347] The Lyman-alpha Reference Sample: I. Survey outline and first results for Markarian 259

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