
Project Management Research--The Challange and Opportunity.

, and . Project Management Journal, 38 (2): 93-99 (2007)


Project management is one of the fastest growing disciplines in organizations today. However, ironically, the statistics of project success suggests that most projects still fail and many projects do not accomplish their business results. This presents possibly a unique opportunity for substantial improvement. In this paper the authors offer their perspective about the challenge that the project management research community is facing today. The authors propose several research directions that may evolve as central in the next few years in order to stimulate the discussion and debate about the future of the discipline. They first look at project management research from a problem-driven perspective and than offer three central views with which project management could be perceived: the strategic/business view, the operational/process view, and the team/leader- ship view. For each one the governing thought pattern, the theories, and the related disciplines are presented. Although these

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