
The El Gordo galaxy cluster challenges ŁambdaCDM for any plausible collision velocity

, , и . (2023)cite arxiv:2308.00744Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal in this form.


El Gordo (ACT-CL J0102-4915) is an extraordinarily large and bright galaxy cluster collision. In a previous study, we found that El Gordo is in $6.2\sigma$ tension with the $Łambda$CDM standard model when assuming the nominal mass and infall velocity values from the hydrodynamical simulations of Zhang et al. ($M_200 = 3.2 10^15 M_ødot$ and $V_infall = 2500~km~s^-1$, respectively). The recent weak lensing study of Kim et al. showed that the mass of El Gordo is actually $2.13^+0.25_-0.23 10^15 M_ødot$. Here we explore the level of tension between El Gordo and $Łambda$CDM for the new mass estimate, assuming several $V_infall$ values. We find that in order to reduce the tension below the $5\sigma$ level, the El Gordo subclusters should have $V_infall < 2300~km~s^-1$ ($V_infall < 1800~km~s^-1$ when considering the combined tension with the Bullet Cluster). To the best of our knowledge, the El Gordo hydrodynamical simulations conducted so far require $V_infall 2500~km~s^-1$ to simultaneously reproduce its morphology and its high X-ray luminosity and temperature. We therefore conclude that El Gordo still poses a significant challenge to $Łambda$CDM cosmology. Whether the properties of El Gordo can be reconciled with a lower $V_infall$ should be tested with new hydrodynamical simulations that explore different configurations of the interaction.


The El Gordo galaxy cluster challenges {\Lambda}CDM for any plausible collision velocity

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