
Ca$^2+$ stores regulate ryanodine receptor Ca$^2+$ release channels via luminal and cytosolic Ca$^2+$ sites.

. Biophys. J., 92 (10): 3541--3555 (May 2007)
DOI: 10.1529/biophysj.106.099028


The free Ca$^2+$ in endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca$^2+$ stores regulates excitability of Ca$^2+$ release by stimulating the Ca$^2+$ release channels. Just how the stored Ca$^2+$ regulates activation of these channels is still disputed. One proposal attributes luminal Ca$^2+$-activation to luminal facing regulatory sites, whereas another envisages Ca$^2+$ permeation to cytoplasmic sites. This study develops a unified model for luminal Ca$^2+$ activation for single cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR2) and RyRs in coupled clusters in artificial lipid bilayers. It is shown that luminal regulation of RyR2 involves three modes of action associated with Ca$^2+$ sensors in different parts of the molecule; a luminal activation site (L-site, 60 microM affinity), a cytoplasmic activation site (A-site, 0.9 microM affinity), and a novel cytoplasmic inactivation site (I2-site, 1.2 microM affinity). RyR activation by luminal Ca$^2+$ is demonstrated to occur by a multistep process dubbed luminal-triggered Ca$^2+$ feedthrough. Ca$^2+$ binding to the L-site initiates brief openings (1 ms duration at 1-10 s(-1)) allowing luminal Ca$^2+$ to access the A-site, producing up to 30-fold prolongation of openings. The model explains a broad data set, reconciles previous conflicting observations and provides a foundation for understanding the action of pharmacological agents, RyR-associated proteins, and RyR2 mutations on a range of Ca$^2+$-mediated physiological and pathological processes.


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