
Evolution of regenerative Ca-ion wave-packet in Neuronal-firing Fields: Quantum path-integral with serial Shocks

. IJIRIS:: International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 2017 (2): 14-27 (February 2017)


The author previously developed a numerical multivariate path-integral algorithm, PATHINT, which has been applied to several classical physics systems, including statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions, options in financial markets, and other nonlinear systems including chaotic systems. A new quantum version, qPATHINT, has the ability to take into account nonlinear and time-dependent modifications of an evolving system. qPATHINT is shown to be useful to study some aspects of serial changes to systems. Applications ranging from regenerative waves in neuroscience to options on blockchains in financial markets are discussed.


IJIRIS (Computer Science & Information Security Journal):: Impact Factor-SJIF :4.349 (2016) - Invitation for Research Paper Submission in Volume 4,Issue 03 of March 2017 - Peer Review Journal - Call for Research Paper - Internationally University Recognized & High Visibility Impact Factor Journal - Reg

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