

. Computer Applications: An International Journal (CAIJ), 2 (1): 1-10 (2015/02 2015)
DOI: 10.5121/caij.2015.2105


Embedded systems shape our world nowadays. It’s almost impossible to imagine our day to day life without it. Examples can include cell phones, home appliances, energy generators, satellites, automotive components …etc. it is even far more complex if there are real-time and interface constraints. Developing real-time embedded systems is significantly challenging to developers. Results need not be only correct, but also in a timely manner. New software development approaches are needed due to the complexity of functional and non-functional requirements of embedded systems. Due to the complex context of embedded systems, defects can cause life threatening situations. Delays can create huge costs, and insufficient productivity can impact the entire industry. The rapid evolution of software engineering technologies will be a key factor in the successful future development of even more complex embedded systems. Software development is shifting from manual programming, to model-driven engineering (MDE). One of the most important challenges is to manage the increasing complexity of embedded software development, while maintaining the product’s quality, reducing time to market, and reducing development cost. MDE is a promising approach that emerged lately. Instead of directly coding the software using programming languages, developers model software systems using expressive, graphical notations, which provide a higher abstraction level than programming languages. This is called Model Based Development (MBD). Model Based Development if accompanied by Model Based Validation (MBV), will help identify problems early thus reduce rework cost. Applying tests based on the designed models not only enable early detection of defects, but also continuous quality assurance. Testing can start in the first iteration of the development process. As a result of the model based approach, and in addition to the major advantage of early defects detection, several time consuming tasks within the classical software development life cycle will be excluded. For embedded systems development, it’s really important to follow a more time efficient approach.

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