
An index to evaluate indoor noise level reduction with an open window Noise Reduction Index (NRI) was proposed Buratti C. Indoor Noise Reduction Index with open window. Appl Acoust 2002;63(4):431–51. The reduction was due to the installation of a false ceiling in the room, thus reducing the contribution of the reverberant field. Experimental data related to two different kinds of false ceiling were compared to the results obtained by an original calculation model. Good agreement was found between experiments with two different materials and predictions. The present paper examines six different kinds of false ceiling and arrives at a new validation of the model. Calculations of NRI show good agreement with experimental data: a maximum difference of −1.2 dB(A) was found with a mean difference of 0.5 dB(A) for a wide range of absorption coefficient values. Hence the model represents a reliable instrument for indoor NRI prediction, if the acoustic absorption characteristics of materials are known.

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