
Postponed conditioning: Testing a hypothesis about synaptic strengthening

, and . Adaptive Behavior, 1 (1): 39--63 (Summer 1992)


Describes a conditioning experiment using adult male Siamese fighting fish (Betta spledens), in which an unconditioned stimulus is presented and withdrawn, thereby eliciting an afterdischarge. The model predicts that if the presentation is postponed until just before the end of the afterdischarge, the CS alone should come to be able to elicit the display. The experiments tested the prediction of postponed conditioning. Results confirm the predicted postponed conditioning of social display and indicated that the relevant variable was a forward relationship with the end of the afterdischarge. This conclusion strengthens the plausibility of the synaptic strengthening rules and the neural circuit proposed by J. R. Halperin, since the prediction depended on both features of Halperin's (1990, 1991) model.

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