
Implementation of ISS - IHAS (Information Security System-Information Hiding in Audio Signal) model with reference to proposed e-cipher Method

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2011)


This paper shows the possibility of exploiting the features of E- cipher method by using both cryptography and Information hiding in Audio signal methods used to send and receive the message in more secured way. Proposed methodology shows that successfully using these Poly substitutions methods (Proposed E-Cipher) for Encode and decodes messages to evolve a new method for Encrypting and decrypting the messages. Embedding secret messages using audio signal in digital format is now the area in focus. There exist numerous steganography techniques for hiding information in audio medium. In our proposed theme, a new model ISS-IHAS - Embedding Text in Audio Signal that embeds the text like the existing system but with strong encryption that gains the full advantages of cryptography. Using steganography it is possible to conceal the full existence of the original text and the results obtained from the proposed model is compared with other existing techniques and proved to be efficient for textual messages of minimum size as the size of the embedded text is essentially same as that of encrypted text size. This emphasis the fact that we are able to ensure secrecy without an additional cost of extra space consumed for the text to be communicated.

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